Our Issues

The challenges we face are vast. It is up to us to pave the way for our teams and successors, finding new ways to solve old problems.


These are not buzzwords, but the keys to the kingdom. By building teams rich with a variety of perspectives and experience, we can meet the challenges of modern veterinary medicine equipped to succeed.

None of us are anything without our health. We ask much from our own and our teammates’ bodies everyday. We put our own and our colleague’s hearts and minds through dizzying acrobatics every shift. We must also care for those bodies, hearts, and minds.

To attract and retain the industrious and intelligent individuals necessary in veterinary medicine, we must create a field that will give them as much as they give to it. Passion will take our teams far, but it will not pay their bills. We must do better.

We are all sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers, of both our biological and chosen families. If we cannot support our teams in their most vulnerable moments, how can we turn to them for support in ours?